Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Last Colony by John Scalzi

This is one of those books that you might read on a plane, or during a long car trip. There's not much character development, not much in the way of ethical dilemmas, just some plot and action. If you like science fiction, you'll find the entertainment in this book, but this is not one of those cross-genre books. 2/5

Having read a couple of his books now, I'm not sure why John Scalzi wins the awards he does. They're entertaining enough, but not at all thinking books. Some reviewers compare him to Heinlein, and I can see the tone being a little similar, but the content just isn't there. It's too fast-paced, too much like a commuter train ride. There's no scenery, no interesting stops, just utility stops for letting more people on.

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